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Shelby Frederick
Nov 07, 2023
In General Discussion
Hello, cherished community members! As we embark on this beautiful journey of Soul Care Wellness together, let’s take a moment to look back at the paths we’ve traveled. Often, there's that one pivotal 'Aha!' moment that sparks our quest for deeper soul care – a moment of profound insight or a wake-up call that changes our perspective on wellness and self-care. 🌱 I invite you to share that turning point in your life. 🌱 • What was the situation or realization that led you to prioritize your soul’s wellness? • How did it change the way you approach your daily life? • What's one piece of wisdom you've gained that could inspire or support others in our community? Your experiences are the picture of wisdom that can enrich our collective understanding. Even if you’re starting and haven’t had that moment, share what soul care means and what you hope to discover in this community. Remember, there's no 'right' journey – each of our stories is unique and valuable. Let's support and uplift each other as we share, learn, and grow! 🌼 I'll go first: 🍃 My Moment of Clarity 🍃 In 2009, I found myself in a certification class filled with the soothing scents of essential oils amidst a discussion that would pivot my life's direction. We delved into how our bodies become vaults for our emotions, storing every untold story and unexpressed feeling. A simple question surfaced: Why is such a profound truth not echoed within the walls of our churches and women's fellowships? This question became the key that unlocked my pursuit of self-discovery, guiding me to peel back the layers of emotional baggage that I had accumulated over the years. The journey was eye-opening and transformative, challenging me to confront what lay buried and to embrace the vulnerability of healing. It wasn't an easy path. It was shadowed with uncertainty, and, yes, it was scary. But the Holy Spirit became my compass, guiding me towards a more authentic understanding of myself. And what I unearthed was powerful: to truly live, to embrace the fullness of life, I had to trust in the process of deliverance and inner healing. By creating safe spaces, I now help individuals process pain into purpose by creating blueprints of success according to God's original design for their lives. 🌟 Your Turn 🌟 Now, I extend an invitation to each of you: would you be willing to share a moment that sparked your journey toward deeper self-awareness and soul care? • Perhaps it was a gentle nudge or a dramatic revelation. • Maybe it came softly through meditation, or it was a loud wake-up call. • How did it alter the course of your life? Let’s share our wisdom. There's profound strength in vulnerability and immense power in our collective stories. Don't worry about where you're at in your journey; your starting point might be the green light someone else needs to see. 🌈 I’ll leave you with this thought: Every revelation is an opportunity for healing, and with every step of growth, grace and resilience abound. I am looking forward to reading about your journeys and insights! Warmly, Shelby Frederick Holistic Wellness Practitioner
Shelby Frederick
Sep 07, 2023
In General Discussion
Welcome to today's coaching session on understanding and mastering your #Pivot. This is especially pertinent as many of us are navigating through various seasons and transitions in our lives. Remember, in just #OneMotion, everything can change. The key is to stay the course and aim for complete #Alignment. What is a #Pivot? A pivot is a strategic shift you make when your current course isn't yielding the results you want or when you recognize a greater opportunity. It could be a change in your career, relationships, mindset, or lifestyle. Why is it Important? Being stuck in a rut isn't productive or fulfilling. A well-executed pivot can realign your path with your goals and values, propelling you forward with renewed energy and focus. The Four Steps to Mastering Your #Pivot 1. Identify the Need to Pivot - Actionable Step: Conduct a self-assessment. If you're feeling stuck or see diminishing returns in any area of your life, it's a signal that a pivot might be necessary. 2. Clarify Your New Direction - Actionable Step: Clearly define what you want to achieve with your pivot. Use SMART goals to provide a framework for what you're aiming for. 3. Plan the #OneMotion - Actionable Step: Break down the pivot into actionable steps. Whether it's enrolling in a course, updating your resume, or reaching out to mentors, know what needs to be done to make the pivot successful. 4. Execute and Stay the Course - Actionable Step: Implement your plan and stick to it. Consistency is key, especially in the early stages. Keep your eye on the prize and don't let setbacks derail you. Reaching Complete #Alignment Once you've executed your pivot, the next step is to evaluate and adjust as necessary. Continuously monitor your progress and make sure you are staying aligned with your goals and values. - Actionable Step: Regularly review your progress by setting up a monthly or quarterly "Alignment Check-In" with yourself or a mentor. Remember, pivoting doesn't mean you've failed in your previous direction; it means you're savvy enough to recognize when it's time for a change. Keep an open mind, stay adaptable, and you'll master the power of the pivot. Comment below if you want to know more about #PivotSeasons! Thank you for joining today's session on mastering your #Pivot. Coach Shelby
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Shelby Frederick
Feb 07, 2023
In Grow In Faith Bible Study
Join Apostle Shelby as she continues The Blueprint of Prayer Series with "Voice Activated Prayers." Tonight's teaching will look at: 🗣️The Source 🗣️The Content 🗣️The Results 🗣️The Response #TheBlueprintOfPrayer #VoiceActivatedPrayer #GrowInFaith #ASF Join #GrowInFaith Discussion Forum and grab the study sheet for this week's teaching at Thank you for joining me in our #TheBlueprintOfPrayer Series! Below you will find the study sheet with discussion questions. I have also provided a link for you to download and print off. Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit the bell to receive notifications. You never know when I may do a #PopUp in addition to our regular Monday night teaching. 😉 Feel free to share this forum with others who are ready to #GrowInFaith🔥 #TheBlueprintOfPrayer#GrowInFaith #ASF Discussion Questions: 1. What practical lessons for your own prayer life can you take from this chapter? 2. Name some ways your congregation reflects the unity Jesus prayed for in this chapter. 3. How does the modern world see the love of God in Christian believers? Post your responses below. Let's grow together! See you next Monday at 8:00 pm EST. ~ Apostle Shelby Frederick Download study sheet:
Shelby Frederick
Jan 31, 2023
In Grow In Faith Bible Study
Join Apostle Shelby as she continues The Blueprint of Prayer Series, looking at Jesus' prayer in John 17. This week's teaching focuses on the following: 👑 Redemption 👑 Relationships 👑 Responsibilities as modeled by our Chief Intercessor, Jesus Christ. Thank you for joining me in our #TheBlueprintOfPrayer Series! Below you will find the study sheet with discussion questions. I have also provided a link for you to download and print off. Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit the bell to receive notifications. You never know when I may do a #PopUp in addition to our regular Monday night teaching. 😉 Feel free to share this forum with others who are ready to #GrowInFaith🔥 #TheBlueprintOfPrayer #GrowInFaith #ASF Discussion Questions: 1. What practical lessons for your own prayer life can you take from this chapter? 2. Name some ways your congregation reflects the unity Jesus prayed for in this chapter. 3. How does the modern world see the love of God in Christian believers? Post your responses below. Let's grow together! See you next Monday at 8:00 pm EST. ~ Apostle Shelby Frederick Download study sheet: The Believer’s Responsibilities Here we have what is emphatically “The Lord’s Prayer” offered at the close of that solemn meeting with His disciples, before He went out to face the last great storm of human and diabolical hatred. The words are simple, but the thoughts are perhaps the most profound in all Scripture. They reveal many high and holy privileges belonging to His own loved ones. But we wish to point out some of the responsibilities that are ours in consequence of our privileges. We have responsibilities— I. As Those to Whom His Name has been Revealed. “I have manifested Thy Name unto the men which Thou gavest Me out of the world” (v. 6). Or as it might be read: “I have revealed the perfections of Thy character to those which Thou hast given Me.” The character of that great and holy Name is seen in Exodus 34:5–7. Through the grace of Christ that Name has become the practical experience of every true believer. “My name is in Him” (Exod. 23:21). What manner of persons, then, ought we to be with such a possession? II. As Custodians of His Words. “I have given unto them the words which Thou hast given Me” (v. 8). The truths which the Father committed to the Son, the Son has committed to us, who are His own. What a treasure this is, and what a responsibility rests on us to pass on to others what we by faith have received. How many are burying this treasure in the grave of their own personal interests. This Word of the Gospel never gets beyond their own need. His words are the words of “eternal life.” Let your light so shine that others may see, and believe, and glorify your Father. III. As God-given Ones, for the Glory of His Son. “I pray for them which Thou hast given Me, for they are Thine, and Thine are Mine; and I am glorified in them” (vv. 9, 10). If Christ is to be fully glorified in His people, surely His redeemed ones must glorify Him while here as witnesses for Him. As Paul said: “Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life or by death” (Phil. 1:20). Ye see your calling, brethren, let us walk worthily of it, for the glory of His Name. IV. As Separated Ones. “They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world; keep them from the evil one; sanctify them through Thy truth” (vv. 14–17). The Lord further adds: “And for their sakes I consecrate Myself, in order that they may become perfectly consecrated in truth” (v. 19). The Lord set Himself apart for our salvation, and expects us to set ourselves apart for His service in the truth. Ye are not your own, therefore glorify God in your body and spirit, which are His. V. As Sent Ones. “As Thou hast sent Me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world” (v. 18). This commission was repeated after He rose from the dead (John 20:21). For what purpose did the Father send Him? Briefly, it was this: “I came down from Heaven, not to do Mine own will, but the will of Him that sent Me” (John 6:38). “As the Father sent Me, so have I sent you.” Not to do your own will, but the will of Him that sent you. Herein lies our God-given privilege and our God-given responsibility. Surely our motto should be: “Thy will be done.” VI. As Brethren. Christ prayed “for them also which shall believe on Him through their word. That they all may be one, as the Father and the Son are, and that they may be made perfect in one, that the world may know that Thou hast sent Me” (vv. 21–23). This union is not limited to any ecclesiastical system, nor to any religious creed or nation. In Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile; neither bond nor free, neither male nor female; but ye are all one in Christ Jesus (Gal. 3:28). All given by the same Father to the Son. All redeemed by the same price. All quickened by the same Spirit. All obedient to the same Word. All heirs of the same inheritance, and their names all written in the same “Book of Life.” It is ours to keep this unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Gal. 4:3). VII. As His Eternal Companions. “Father, I will that they also whom Thou hast given Me, be with Me where I am; that they may behold My glory” (v. 24). What grace is this. “Where I am there shall also My servant be” (John 12:26). Servants sharing their Master’s honour. “So shall we ever be with the Lord” (1 Thess. 4:17). By faith we company with Him now. He says: “I have called you friends” (John 15:15). Let nothing mar your fellowship with Him. Remember, this is to be for ever and ever. Amen. James Smith and Robert Lee, Handfuls on Purpose for Christian Workers and Bible Students, Series I–XIII, five-volume edition., vol. 10 (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1971), 240–242.
Shelby Frederick
Jan 24, 2023
In Grow In Faith Bible Study
John 16 Study Sheet Thank you for joining me in our #TheBlueprintOfPrayer Series! Below you will find the study sheet with discussion questions. I have also provided a link for you to download and print off. Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit the bell to receive notifications. You never know when I may do a #PopUp in addition to our regular Monday night teaching. 😉 Feel free to share this forum with others who are ready to #GrowInFaith 🔥 Discussion Questions  1. Think of some ways the Holy Spirit guides you into all truth. 2. In what ways does the Holy Spirit use Christians to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment? 3. How can your church minister more effectively to persecuted Christians around the world? Post your responses below. Let's grow together! See you next Monday at 8:00 pm EST. ~ Apostle Shelby Frederick Download study sheet:
Shelby Frederick
Jan 18, 2023
In Grow In Faith Bible Study
It gives me great joy to open up this Discipleship forum for those who want to #GrowInFaith. You can join me every Monday evening at 8 pm EST at the link below for our weekly teaching. In this space, you can ask questions, share what you've learned while making life application to The Word. I will also share #LifeWork checklists that will help you to stay #Accountable, #Responsible, and #Committed to your Discipleship journey. The current week's teaching will always be found at the link above. Replays can be found on our YouTube page. Do me a favor and subscribe to our channel. Please don't keep this forum a! Sharing Share is caring. ❤ Invite a friend who'd love to go deeper in their relationship with God. Ready. Set. GROW! 🚀🚀🚀 Love and Blessings, Apostle Shelby Frederick #ASF 👑
Shelby Frederick
Jan 18, 2023
In General Discussion
I am thrilled that you are here! I pray that our time together in this space is fruitful, inspiring, and engaging. Let's grow together and shine like the jewel that you are! ~ Lady Jewels
Shelby Frederick
Jan 17, 2023
In General Discussion
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Shelby Frederick
Jan 17, 2023
In General Discussion
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Shelby Frederick
Jan 17, 2023
In General Discussion
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Shelby Frederick

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