It gives me great joy to open up this Discipleship forum for those who want to #GrowInFaith. You can join me every Monday evening at 8 pm EST at the link below for our weekly teaching.
In this space, you can ask questions, share what you've learned while making life application to The Word. I will also share #LifeWork checklists that will help you to stay #Accountable, #Responsible, and #Committed to your Discipleship journey.
The current week's teaching will always be found at the link above. Replays can be found on our YouTube page.
Do me a favor and subscribe to our channel. Please don't keep this forum a! Sharing Share is caring. ❤ Invite a friend who'd love to go deeper in their relationship with God.
Ready. Set. GROW! 🚀🚀🚀
Love and Blessings,
Apostle Shelby Frederick
#ASF 👑